Tenth Street Elevated Storage Refurbishment
Tender ID: 551154
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenth Street elevated storage is a reinforced concrete water tower located at the corner of Tenth Street and Orange Avenue, Mildura which was constructed from 1955 to 1957 and forms a critical part of Lower Murray Water’s urban water network, supplying pressure to the Mildura township's potable water network. The elevated storage is fed from the Mildura water treatment plant located on Seventh Street by two independent rising mains.
As part of the refurbishment, LMW intend to replace and relocate 5 x DN450 Isolation Valves (including Inlet, Outlet, and Bypass) along with the associated pipe works and fittings. Additionally, expansion joints in the vertical inlet and outlet pipework will be replaced.
The procurement method will be a Design and Construct. Successful tenderer will have to develop a detailed design with reference to LMW's concept design.
The contract model will be under the VicWater Minor Works Construction Contract. The project will require tenderers to have experience with Design and Construction of pipelines and a proven track record of delivering Capital Infrastructure Projects.
Compulsory site meeting on Thursday 21/03/2024 @ 10am.
Compulsory Site Meeting
A briefing session will be held at 111 Tenth Street, Mildura, VIC, Australia, 3500 on 21 March 2024 10:00 am.
Notes: On site 10th Street Tower
A site visit is a pre-requisite to submission and consideration of a bid.
Attendance at the briefing is a pre-requisite to submission and consideration of a bid.
Registration closes on 20 March 2024 10:00 am
Electrical Systems & Lighting & Equipment & Services : Electrical Services
Engineering & Research & Technical Based Services : Engineering Consulting Services
Building & Facility Construction & Maintenance Services : Hydraulic Services
Civil Construction Services : Civil & Earthworks (General)
Water & Sewage : Pipes & Valves & Fittings : Water & Sewage Treatment Plant Construction
Fire & Safety : Fire Protection Services