Request For Tender Sorell Coastal And Estuarine Risk Mitigation Program, CERMP125
Tender ID: 551478
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are invited from suitably qualified construction companies for the five existing outfalls in Southern Beaches Region within Sorell Municipality. The works associated with the project include (but are not limited to) improvement of existing outfall by removing weeds, installing culverts, gross pollutant traps, stormwater pipes, revegetation and bunded ponds. A pre-Tender meeting is scheduled between 9:30am to 1:00pm on Thursday, 21 March 2024 at each site. Attendance at this meeting is not mandatory.
Tenders must be clearly marked “Tender for C-24-S-CERMP-A Sorell Coastal and Estuarine Risk Mitigation Program, CERMP125” and may be deposited in the Tender Box at the Sorell Council Offices, 47 Cole Street, Sorell or received by mail prior to the closing date.Neither the lowest nor any Tender will necessarily be accepted. Late Tender responses will not be considered.
Tender Documents, plans and further information can be obtained by contacting Dibas Panta on (03) 6269 0030 or