
Capability Learning and Development Solution

Tender ID: 552519

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
19 March 2024
Closing Date:
15 April 2024

Tender Description

Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) is Australia’s leading trade and investment agency and helps connect Australian businesses to the world and the world to Australian businesses. Our services include:

• Helping Australian businesses pursue international business expansion, focusing on export facilitation and in-market support through our network of over 60 offices around the world.

• Identifying and working with international customers to buy Australian goods and services.

• Attracting investment to Australia, to support new industries, enhance existing ones and bolster our world-class research and development – strengthening global supply chains, creating local jobs and boosting the economy.

Austrade is also responsible for:

• The international marketing and promotion of Australian education and training.

• Administering the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) program which helps Australian small to medium enterprises grow their exports by supporting them to promote their goods and services globally.

• Developing policy, attracting investment and providing research to grow Australia’s tourism market share. Austrade also administers various tourism industry support programs.

Austrade’s current contracts for learning platforms are expiring in 2024 prompting a review of the current capability approach in the organisation. Going forward Austrade’s approach is to focus heavily on investment in our people with simple systems and solutions to support our learners and teams.

The learning platforms provide a learning environment through which we deliver in-house developed content to internal and external participants and maintain e-learning and training records.

Austrade is looking for suitable service providers to develop and deliver capability solutions to the organisation encompassing e-learning, maintaining training records and preferably social cohort learning.

Austrade expects that providers will use innovative technology to deliver services and programs. The user experience needs to be intuitive and engaging so that our people can readily find the training and learning experiences they are seeking. The learning reporting and administration similarly should be intuitive, easy to learn and maintain. As part of a rich learning ecosystem, the solution should have options to readily connect to other external learning subscriptions and platforms.

The solution needs to be reliable and accessible for our learners, which includes up to 2000 Austrade employees, partners and allies) across Australia and global regions in the first two years. Information on Austrade’s global footprint can be found here. While Austrade is seeking a solution that can be customised and personalised to some extent, these are features that must not compromise the simplicity to maintain, troubleshoot and upgrade the system over time.

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