
Expressions of Interest - Professional services to remove and securely destroy documents

Tender ID: 552557

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
19 March 2024
Closing Date:
28 March 2024

Tender Description

The Deniliquin Pastoral Times is seeking Expressions of Interest from professional services to remove and securely destroy documents no longer needed as a part of our daily operations and reporting.

As the successful contractor you must be able to remove all documents from our storage and complete the required tasks out of normal business hours. All items need to be secured and destroyed in a confidential, professional manner.

You must have an ABN, be fully insured, supply your own PPE and equipment necessary to complete the task.

To ascertain the scope of the work and necessary requirements please make an appointment by calling 03 5881 2322. All EOI's must include a full description of intended operations and costings to


New South Wales   :   Murray  

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