OpenText Content Manager Support Services
Tender ID: 552619
Tender Details
Tender Description
Queensland Health currently offers OpenText's Content Manager (CM) as a platform to Queensland Health entities, i.e the Hospital and Health Services (HHS’s) and the Department of Health (the Department), for managing their records management obligations under the Public Records Act 2002.
The Customer has issued this Invitation to Offer (ITO) with the objectives of establishing a Standing Offer Arrangement (SOA) with a panel of suppliers that can provide the following high-level services:
- specialized technical skills for level 2 support, maintenance, and upgrades to the CM platform service as required;
- implementation partner support as required for individual pieces of work that are not ongoing in nature but require Subject Matter Expertise (SME), for example advice on how to resolve new bugs, how to deploy new CM features; and
- continue with cross skilling of staff with latest knowledge and tools associated with the current CM releases.
For detailed information on the specific services sought under this tender, please review Attachment 1 - Requirements Specification.
It is anticipated that the SOA will be made available to all Queensland Government entities to access as customers.
The invitation to offer document sets out the particulars relating to the ITO, and suppliers are required to complete Attachment 2 - Supplier Response Sheet and Attachment 3 - Supplier Declaration as detailed in the invitation to offer document. Also included in the documents provided are draft contract documents to establish the SOA, and draft Contract Details that customers under the SOA can use to form agreement with suppliers once the SOA is established.
To maintain probity throughout the process please use the Ask a Question function of QTenders and only contact the nominated resources below to discuss matters relating to this ITO.