
EOI - Old Ambulance Station

Tender ID: 553444

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
28 March 2024
Closing Date:
23 April 2024

Tender Description

Kiama Council is seeking Expressions of Interest to use part of the Old Ambulance Station (61 Terralong St, Kiama) for community purposes.

The EOI is for 77 square metres of the property (Lot 1 DP 1091690), outlined in green in the floorplan in the attached EOI documentation.

This is part of a shared facility with other tenants.

Council will consider an initial licence of up to five (5) years.

Respondents are required to nominate a monthly rental (excluding GST) as part of this EOI.

Rental is subject to annual reviews and will be determined by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) All Groups Sydney and if applicable, market rent reviews are to be implemented as required from time to time.

The successful respondent may be required to provide a bond or bank guarantee of one month’s rental (minimum).

Council staff will not respond to verbal or email enquiries in relation to this EOI.

Submissions should be emailed to:

Council is not bound to accept any proposal and reserves the right to select the license proposal as it sees fit. 


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