
Tender for the supply of Bronze Plaques

Tender ID: 553533

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
2 April 2024
Closing Date:
19 April 2024

Tender Description

Scope of Work

Full scope and requirements are included in the Schedule/Appendix.

Tender Requirements

Centennial Park welcomes tenders for the supply of high quality associated commemorative bronze plaques in a range of sizes and styles by Friday 19th April. Submitted tenders will be evaluated against a range of criteria as detailed below.

Format of Response

The format of the response is to be structured into four parts as follows:

1. Response Part 1- Cover Letter/introduction including a Statement of Purpose.

2. Response Part 2 - Respondent Organisation’s Information.

3. Response Part 3 - Evaluation Criteria.

4. References and other relevant and appropriate information to support the tender.

Please note Centennial Park may seek further clarification, information or additional documentation to the

Tenderer/Respondent responses at their discretion.

Response Part 1 - Cover Letter & Statement of Purpose

The Respondent is required to detail, in a cover letter, a brief but comprehensive overview of their operation’s background and history, values and mission and demonstrate why they are submitting a tender for this project.

The Respondent should prepare the cover letter and Statement of Purpose and identify them as Response Part 1.

Response Part 2 - Respondent Organisation’s Information

The Respondent is required to detail the following information as part of the response requirements:

• Corporate structure and full name of the entity. If there are multiple entities involved, the response must highlight the responsible entity which will enter into the agreement with Centennial Park.

• Beneficial ownership interests in the responsible entity and any related entities.

• The ABN of the responsible entity.

• Operational background including years in business, organisation chart, management bios, locations and corporate mission, values and vision.

• Details of the nominated representative who will be the main contact throughout the tender process including name, email address and contact numbers.

• Provide a copy of current Public Liability & Products Insurance in the amount of not less than $20 million.

• Provide details of environmental sustainability practices.

• A comprehensive understanding of and adherence to Appendix A.

A checklist has been provided at Schedule 1.


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