Nexus 10 L8 ABLE HDR Hub
Tender ID: 554492
Tender Details
Tender Description
The University of Adelaide, established in 1874, has over 25,000 students and 3,500 staff and researchers. The University has a strong reputation internationally as a leading research and teaching institution. For more information regarding the University please visit the website at:
This proposal addresses a need identified by the University and the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law, & Education ("ABLE") to improve student experience and accommodate future growth of ABLE Higher Degree by Research ("HDR") Students.
The University of Adelaide highly values HDR students and they provide significant value to our research-intensive institution. Their contributions extend far beyond the boundaries of the academic realm, enriching the institution's intellectual, scientific, and societal pillars.
To address HDR space weaknesses in the current School of Education HDR workplace accommodation and improve HDR experience, the University and the Faculty of ABLE has proposed the creation of a school based HDR hub facility.
The new facility will act as a workspace, research, and collaborative space for School of Education HDR students to complete their research projects. It will also accommodate future HDR growth with facilities to allow the adoption of agile workspace principles to enable flexibility to accommodate fluctuations in student numbers.