Queensland Hydro - Borumba PHES - CONBUR0360 - Technical Services & Management support for the Exploratory Tunnelling & Drilling Works (Underground TSM)
Tender ID: 554555
Tender Details
Tender Description
Queensland Hydro is a publicly owned entity established by the Queensland Government to design, deliver, operate, and maintain long duration pumped hydro energy storage assets that will be the cornerstone for the transformation of the state’s energy system. This transformed energy system will predominantly rely on wind and solar energy generation, complimented by dispatchable energy sources such as batteries and pumped hydropower energy storage (PHES). Long duration PHES will be a critical component of this future energy mix.
The objective of this invitation for Request for Proposals (RFP) is to engage a suitably qualified and capable Consultant to provide Technical Services and Management support for the Exploratory Tunnelling and Drilling (ET&D) Works.
This Invitation to Offer comprises Step 1 of a two-step RFP process. It contains Volume 1 and a Confidentiality Deed Poll.
Step 2 comprises Volumes 2, 3 and 4. These will be released on 16 April 2024 to parties that have completed and submitted the signed Confidentiality Deed Poll via commercial@qldhydro.com.au