
Construction of Nairne Dog Park

Tender ID: 555054

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
19 April 2024
Closing Date:
27 May 2024

Tender Description

Mount Barker District Council (“Council”) wishes to engage a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to construct a Dog Park in Nairne on Councils land at 1 Webber Drive & 3 Megan Circuit, which is an existing open reserve. The dog park design plans were undertaken by Clover Green Space.

This dog park in Nairne will be the second formal dog park within the Mount Barker District Council and is an important community infrastructure project for both Nairne and the broader district. A recent survey conducted by Council found that over 60% of households in Nairne (approx. 1,375 households) own at least one dog and more than 80% of them (approx. 1,100 households) would use a new dog park if one was made available in their area.

Council are aiming to deliver these works as soon as practical, the tenderer shall note their earliest availability to undertake the required works within their tender and a program schedule of works.


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