Monash Medical Centre Tower Expansion Project – ECI Services
Tender ID: 555176
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Victorian Health Building Authority (VHBA) in partnership with Monash Health, is seeking to engage an experienced building contractor to participate in an ECI advisory role for the Monash Medical Centre Tower Expansion Project.
The ECI role is intended to further inform the design and assist the design team in documenting the project, including:
- Buildability issues.
- Site conditions.
- Hospital impacts and interfaces.
- Design documentation reviews.
- Authorities and site infrastructure advice.
- Construction planning and logistics.
- Construction staging.
- Construction programmes and timelines.
- Construction cost advice.
- Identification of long lead time items and procurement issues.
- Early works package advice.
The Respondent is to provide confirmation of current pre-qualification on the Department of Treasury and Finance Construction Supplier Register (CSR) in the New Commercial Construction category for contract values over $50m.
The Respondent must provide a valid CSR Registration Number