Nightcap Water Treatment Plant Supply of Bulk Carbon Dioxide
Tender ID: 555286
Tender Details
Tender Description
Rous County Council is seeking tenders from appropriately qualified and experienced suppliers for the provision of Bulk Carbon Dioxide to Nightcap Water Treatment Plant. The contract RCC0224-0065, which will be for a period of 3 years plus option to extend for additional 2 years, at 1 year intervals, at Council's discretion. Council has supplied a Contract for the Supply of Services, and a Contract for the Supply of Goods.
RFT enquiries should be directed to Mr James Sun (Dams & Treatment Engineering Manager) via the online forum by the close-off date for queries.
Completed RFT submissions must be submitted electronically via the electronic tender box (which is Council's only method for submissions) using the attached MS Word Returnable Schedules document provided. Proponents will receive a Successful Submission Receipt, timed and dated upon completion. Submissions made in hard copy format, or sent via email, fax or other media will not be considered.
RFT submissions must be made prior to 21th May 2024, and submissions must be fully uploaded into the online forum by this time. Please be aware that your documents (and those of other tenderers being uploaded immediately prior to the Tender closing date/time) might adversely affect document upload times. Proponents, therefore, are strongly advised to allow adequate document upload time prior to the RFT closing time.
Rous County Council is not bound to accept the lowest tender or any tender submitted and reserves the right to conduct the RFT process and select the successful proponent as it sees most advantageous. Council staff are unable to respond to verbal enquiries in relation to the proposal. Canvassing or Councilors or City staff regarding this RFT will render a proponent's bid invalid.