Customer Service / Benchmark Costs for Local Infrastructure
Tender ID: 555340
Tender Details
Tender Description
The primary aim of the engagement is to inform IPART’s review of the 2022 benchmark costs by:
· developing standardised definitions of efficiently designed, development contingent, base level infrastructure
· developing cost benchmarks for stormwater, transport and open space, and advice on how these benchmarks vary by location (including at a minimum, greenfield vs infill, metropolitan vs regional)
· Advising on how the benchmark costs could be constructed to take into account variation in project specific conditions or project complexity, for example, difficult terrain.
· Advising on how often it is necessary to review benchmarks and how they should be updated in between reviews
· Preparing a costing methodology that councils could use to estimate the costs of infrastructure items for which benchmarks are not available or suitable
In addition, we are looking to develop aggregated level benchmarks for the delivery of stormwater, transport and open space works for a greenfield or infill area.