ETP BioEnergy Hub - Phase 1 Request for Proposal
Tender ID: 555608
Tender Details
Tender Description
ETP BioEnergy Hub Phase 1 - Request for Proposal
The proposed ETP BioEnergy Hub will upgrade excess (currently flared) biogas to biomethane from the Eastern Treatment Plant for injection into the gas distribution network.
The aim of the ETP Bionergy Hub is to maximize the value recovered from the biogas generated as a by-product of the sewage treatment process at ETP.
It is Melbourne Water’s preference for a third party to construct own and operate the upgrade facility and enter into long term agreement/s with Melbourne Water for site access and the supply of biogas. However, Melbourne Water is open to considering other options for ownership of the facility.
Request for Proposal (2 phases) as follows:
- Phase 1 (April to September 2024): Melbourne Water’s assessment will focus, among other things, on the Respondent’s capability and experience, their proposed ETP Bioenergy Hub infrastructure solution and approach to implementation of the solution. The applicable mandatory and comparative evaluation criteria are set out in this document; and
- Phase 2 (September to December 2024): for shortlisted Respondents, Melbourne Water’s assessment will focus on, among other things, validation of aspects of the implementation approach for the proposed ETP Bioenergy Hub solution including the identification and management of interface issues and risks at ETP, proposed pricing and formal contractual arrangements with Melbourne Water and any applicable procurement compliance requirements.
Here is the link to the RFP in Zycus ETP BioEnergy Hub Phase 1
Applicable Government policies affecting the procurement:
Social Procurement Framework
Local Jobs First Policy
Fair Jobs Code
(These matters to be assessed in RFP Phase 2)
Tender will be managed via Zycus. Please refer to the Zycus registration guide in Attachment 1 and 2.
Zycus supplier on-boarding information and attachments.
The Request for Proposal (RFP) will be hosted on Melbourne Water’s procurement system called Zycus. Respondents to the RFP will be required to SELF-REGISTER on the Zycus portal in order to access the RFP documentation. Instructions for self-registration are contained below.
Note that if you already have an account with Zycus for other clients, a new account will still need to be activated for Melbourne Water.
Zycus Supplier Network Link:
When entering company details please enter:
- “Onboarding Type” as Supplier
- “Primary Melbourne Water Contact” as Helen McVean
- Ensure that you reference the RFP number #1220443529 within your registration
Please see attached guides which show the steps required to complete the registration process and how to set up account details.
- If your organisation has never been registered in the Melbourne Water Zycus portal – utilize the guide for “New supplier”
- If your organisation HAS already been registered in the Melbourne Water Zycus portal and you are adding a new user for the purpose of participating in this RFP – utilise the guide for “Updating Your Details”
If you require additional support in setting up your Zycus profile, please contact the Melbourne Water Procurement Helpdesk, quoting RFP number #1220443529 at :