
Development of Digital Telemetry System

Tender ID: 555625

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
29 April 2024
Closing Date:
15 November 2024

Tender Description

Queensland Rail is seeking a supplier to design, implement, test and support the field trial of an IP based software protocol converter replacement of the existing S2 Front-End Processor (FEP) hardware system which is used to provide a telemetry interface between the UTC train control system and remote Railway Signalling Interlockings. This deliverable shall be referred to as the Protocols Processor.

The Vendor shall integrate and interface the Protocols Processor with the Universal Traffic Control (UTC) as well as selected Interlocking types utilising the protocol specific to each interlocking type as described in the FRS and Discussion Paper provided as references.

Additionally, the Vendor shall also develop and test the interface to the VPI interlocking as listed in the Elected Technology Solution table in section 7 of SR250 – Digital Telemetry Discussion Paper

At the completion of this project, all Intellectual Property Rights in any documents, plans, specifications, designs, drawings, sketches, reports, source codes or other material created or produced in this contract shall be transferred to Queensland Rail on an irrevocable and royalty free basis.

For this Request for Proposal (RFP), the information uploaded on QTenders is not all the information. However, it is intended to assist suppliers / interested respondents to determine whether their company is able to fultill the requirement and provide solution(s).

To view the whole RFP pack, tenderers are required to email the Contact Officer and request access to the ARIBA eSourcing system.

When requesting access, please ensure your email contains at least the following information:

  • Full Company Name;
  • Name of person(s) who requires access to Ariba (can be more than one);
  • Email address for person(s) requiring access;
  • Phone number for person(s) requiring access;
  • Companies physical location / address;
  • Company phone number (if different from above); and
  • If you are an existing supplier and if you know your current ARIBA access ID (ANID#) with Queensland Rail (optional)

Not providing this information will not prevent you from RFP, however it may delay the process until this information is obtained.

Upon request, the contact officer will provide relevant access requirements, as well as include the latest Suppliers ARIBA Guide.

Queensland Rail will only accept RFP responses submitted via the Ariba Sourcing system. 

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