
Conduct of Terrestrial Environmental Studies

Tender ID: 555646

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
29 April 2024
Closing Date:
27 May 2024

Tender Description

The Office of Hydrogen Power SA (OHPSA) is requesting a proposal and quotation for the conduct of Terrestrial Environmental Studies to support planning for the delivery of the Port Bonython Hydrogen Hub (PBHH) Project.

OHPSA is seeking a head contractor to manage the delivery the following nine (9) packages of work:

1. Land Surveys and Mapping,

2. Climate Monitoring Baseline Data Collection,

3. Terrestrial Ecology Assessment (Flora and Fauna),

4. Air Quality Assessment,

5. Noise and Vibration Modelling,

6. Landscape and Visual Amenity,

7. Desktop Bushfire Risk Assessment,

8. Desktop Seismic Risk Assessment,

9. Historic Non-Aboriginal Heritage Survey.

Conduct of Terrestrial Environmental Studies are integral and critical to the broader Port Bonython Hydrogen Hub project within OHPSA, and the Government of South Australia.

OHPSA is seeking a lead contractor to manage the scope of works for all nine packages, with the lead contractor undertaking all the work packages or sub-contracting some packages to specialist sub-contractors with the necessary expertise and resources. OHPSA will be managing the one lead contractor.

OHPSA will not allow tenderers to tender for some or part work packages.

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