Request for Tender – Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence (FDSV) Pilot Supporting Primary Care, Local Link – PHN South
Tender ID: 555898
Tender Details
Tender Description
About this Opportunity:
This service aims to improve the effectiveness of the primary care response to FDSV and integrate this into the broader local support system. It will assist primary care providers to increase their skills and confidence, create safe environments for disclosure and work collaboratively with specialist FDSV providers to improve care pathways. As part of the national Supporting Primary Care FDSV PHN pilot, the service will also support training, innovation, integration, and evaluation activities coordinated by WAPHA in the Local Government Area (LGA) Cities of Armadale, Gosnells, and Canning.
The contractor is required to establish a Social Work service to embed part-time into a minimum of six general practices to achieve the improvements outlined above through establishing a whole of practice response to FDSV. The Social Workers will also be able to provide a referral service for other local general practices.
Background Information:
Primary Health Networks have been funded to establish a family, domestic and sexual violence (including child sexual abuse) pilot which integrates a model of support for victim-survivors of family, domestic and sexual violent and child sexual abuse (FDSV).
Key objectives of the pilot include assisting in the prevention, early identification, intervention and coordination of referrals to support services for victim-survivors of:
- family and domestic violence
- sexual violence; and
- child sexual abuse.
Queries and Responses
Please raise all queries via email to and WAPHA will publish responses on this webpage.
Please submit the completed submission form/s, budget, non-conformance schedule and other attachments you wish to submit as part of your application to Submission is to be no larger than 20MB.