Breakwater Maintenance at Port of Albany
Tender ID: 556218
Tender Details
Tender Description
Southern Ports invites suitably qualified and experienced Respondents to submit an Offer in response to this Request for the maintenance of breakwater structures at the Port of Albany, in accordance with the Request Conditions.
To facilitate this Request, Southern Ports will administer the sourcing process through its internal Felix Vendor Management System.
To access the system Respondents are required to complete and submit the Felix Online Registration Form.
Within 72 hours of receiving your registration, Southern Ports will provide system access to Felix to enable you to download the Request Documents and lodge your Offer.
When lodging your Offer via Felix, you will be required to:
1. Complete Part A - Vendor Registration and Onboarding; and
2. Complete Part B - Request for Quotation (Lodgment of Offer).
You are required to complete both Part A and Part B prior to the specified Closing Time for your Offer to be deemed compliant and considered for evaluation.