
Worker Psychological Support Service Helpline

Tender ID: 556262

Tender Details

Tender #:
RFI FOL/24/1034  
Publish Date:
7 May 2024
Closing Date:
23 May 2024

Tender Description

Mental Health in Workplaces

Mental health is a growing challenge in our workplaces. With the adult population spending about a third of their life at work, workplaces play a fundamental role in protecting, improving and supporting the mental health of Victorians.

In the 2022/23 financial year, 15.6% of all new claims were for a mental injury, up from 15.1% in 2021/22 and 13.1% in 2020/21. Over the next 10 years it is expected that the proportion of mental injury claims will continue to increase.

Positive, mentally healthy workplaces can provide people with fulfilment, purpose and a connection to the community. The importance of mentally healthy workplaces was reinforced by the findings of the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System.

WorkSafe Victoria (WorkSafe), as Victoria's occupational health and safety (OHS) regulator and manager of Victoria's workers' compensation scheme, has an important role in supporting employers to create mentally healthy workplaces, and helping workers recover and return to work.

Occupational Health and Safety (Psychological Health) Regulations (proposed regulations)

The Victorian Government is currently considering options for the development of the Occupational Health and Safety (Psychological Health) Regulations (proposed regulations). This also includes the development of necessary resources to support implementation including a compliance code and supporting guidance.

The proposed regulations will strengthen the occupational health and safety (OHS) framework and recognise that hazards that pose a risk to psychological health are no less harmful to employees' safety and wellbeing than physical hazards. The proposed regulations aim to promote the importance of psychological health and safety in the working environment.

Purpose of RFI

Some workplaces, particularly small and medium-sized businesses, may have limited awareness, capacity or capability in supporting their workers in managing mental health issues which arise from work-related issues.

WorkSafe is seeking responses to this Request for Information (RFI) in order to gain a more detailed understanding of the existing and emerging services available in Victoria that provide access to coach / counsellor advice to workers on workplace issues that might lead to a workplace mental injury.

RFI responses will be used to map the current capability and capacity within Victoria of organisations that provide such services.

The use of these services may be expanded supplementing those already available to assist workers who are within small and medium-sized employers. Any provision of these services by an external provider would be supported by, and aligned with, existing WorkSafe guidance.


Victoria   :   Barwon South West   :   Gippsland   :   Grampians   :   Hume   :   Loddon Mallee   :   Melbourne  

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