Pre-Qualified Supplier Panel: Provision of Slashing Services; Road, Drain Other Broad Acre
Tender ID: 556370
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley is seeking Applications for the establishment of a local contractor panel to assist the Shire with the provision of reactive and routine slashing services including road, drain and other broad acre slashing, as required.
This is a Panel Contract which will consist of up to five (5) Suppliers and will operate on a Ranking Basis for a period of one (1) year, with four (4) possible 12 month extensions.
Respondents are to refer to the Supplier Related Videos on the dashboard for information on how to seek a clarification.
All Applications must be submitted via the respondents account. The deadline for Applications is 2:00pm (WST), Friday 24 May 2024.
Applications submitted by facsimile, email, mail or hand delivery will not be accepted. Late Applications will not be accepted.
The lowest, or any Application, may not necessarily be accepted.
Any potential applicant canvassing Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley Officers or Elected Members will be disqualified from the Application process.