
AASB Technical Research Projects

Tender ID: 556494

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
9 May 2024
Closing Date:
3 June 2024

Tender Description

The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) is responsible for developing high-quality accounting and sustainability standards that contribute to stakeholder confidence in the Australian economy, including its capital markets, and in external reporting.

The AASB has a broad work program () and through this tender is approaching the market, to bring to the markets attention a number of current opportunities.

Each of the opportunities contained within this tender will be awarded and therefore commence from the 1 July 2024. If you are responding to this tender, or elements of the tender, you are confirming that unless you state otherwise, you are available to commence activity from the 1 July 2024.

You do not have to respond to all elements/opportunities as listed in the tender.

The AASB expects that all of the opportunities contained within this tender should be completed within the timeframe stated under each project. The successful tenderers will need to have the resources to complete the projects independent of the AASB. The AASB will not be providing any materials, facilities or access to staff as a part of this project unless explicitly mentioned as part of the opportunity.

In sending out this brief the AASB is not entering into any financial or contractual relationship with any party. The AASB also reserves the right to not award any tender.

Other Instructions:

Please provide a simple tender response (one pager) clearly identifying: Project, Academic Institution/Legal Entity (if applicable), Team members, credentials, expertise, timeframe and cost (including GST).

Response are due back to by Close of Business 31st May 2024. It is anticipated that the contract will be awarded no later than 14 June 2024. In determining the awarding of the tender the AASB will assess experience in conducting similar projects, value for money, availability of resources and timeframe to complete this project.

If you have any questions relating to any of the opportunities contained in this tender please email with a specific question. AASB will endeavour to respond to your question but reserves the right to provide/display the answer to all those that received this tender.

Conditions for Participation: Temporary contractors will be required to complete a national police check.

Timeframe for Delivery: refer to attachment for each project timeframe.

Address for Lodgement:

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