Expression of Interest Cultural Heritage Management
Tender ID: 556540
Tender Details
Tender Description
OzArk Environment & Heritage has been engaged by Hamish and Sally Drury, Talinga Pastoral Co (the proponent) to complete an Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment for the proposed hard-rock quarry in Lot 1 DP123972, near Tallawang, NSW. The proposal is located 19 kilometres northwest of Gulgong, situated within the Mid-Western Regional Local Government Area. The proposal will involve the proposed development of a hard rock quarry (the proposal) including the construction of an internal haul route from the quarry back to the Castlereagh Highway.
OzArk is seeking persons or groups who wish to be consulted about the project and this consultation group will assist OzArk and the proponent in the preparation of an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report and to assist Heritage NSW, Cabonne Shire Council and the Regional Planning Panel in their consideration and determination of the project.
If you hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the cultural significance of Aboriginal objects or places in the project area, please register your interest to be consulted.
Registrations can be made by post: OzArk PO Box 2069 Dubbo NSW 2830, email: or by phoning OzArk on 02 6882 0118.