Design, Construction and Commissioning of a Buccaneer Archipelago Marine Park Patrol Vessel and Tender
Tender ID: 557194
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) requires a new 20 metre Patrol Vessel (PV) and 4.8m tender vessel (TV) that meet the National Standard for Commercial Vessels.
The PV is to be aluminium construction and able to conduct extended voyages to remote areas and up to 200 nautical miles (nm) offshore. The PV will be able to deploy personnel to safely board vessels at sea in adverse conditions with the use of the onboard aluminium tender vessel with foam collars. The PV must have an operational range of 620nm cruising at 20 knots with a 12% safety margin.
The PV will patrol extensively in the Kimberley Region from early March to late November each year; with possible patrols outside of these periods. With the PV’s focus in the tropical north, it must:
- be able to operate in a hot remote climate.
- have an adequate fuel range for its patrol area.
- have adequate accommodation for eight personnel for voyages of 10 days or more, and 12 persons for single day voyages.
- have adequate air conditioning and ventilation for the tropics.
- have engines that meet emissions standards.