
Army School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering - social events

Tender ID: 557889

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
27 May 2024
Closing Date:
09 June 2024

Tender Description

The Army School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering will be conducting numerous social events commencing 15 May 24 to 31 Jan 25.

Activities will have between 200 — 500 people in attendance, the majority being — serving members. Expressions of Interest are sought for retail organisations with a linkage to a Defence lifestyle. Retail examples may include, but not limited to tooling, fitness & sports, 4x4 equipment and outdoor activities. Please note that retailers will not be paid in advance, and it is up to the vendors to participate on their own accord. This is also a call for expression of interest for any businesses who may choose to advertise at these events.

Please submit your expression of interest to with the below details:

1. Your Company Name

2. What services do you provide

3. Your name, contact number and email address.

**No closing date provided. Please confirm with the issuer. **

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