Stock Agistment on part of Lot 24 on DG 202 (Aerodrome Paddock C)
Tender ID: 558148
Tender Details
Tender Description
Flinders Shire Council (“Council”) is the trustee of Lot 24 on DG 202, a reserve situated on thecorner of Torver Valley Road and the Hann Highway, Hughenden. Council has identified part of Lot 24 on DG 202, known as “Aerodrome Paddock C”, which is in the north-west corner of the Hughenden Aerodrome, as an appropriate area for stock agistment (“the Agistment Area”).
This Request for Expressions of Interest (“Request”) invites parties to submit interest in utilising the Agistment Area for the agistment of stock, for a term of twelve (12) months, on the conditions set out in the Agistment Agreement.
Interested parties should read the materials contained in this Request, and complete, sign and submit the Offer as their Expression of Interest (“EOI”).
EOIs are to be lodged by hand delivery, at the corresponding address specified in the Schedule of Particulars and marked “EOI – Aerodrome Paddock C”. Canvassing of any Flinders Shire Council staff or Councillors will disqualify Respondents from the EOI process.