Financial Audit of New South Wales Treasury Corporation Investment Management Funds - Request for Tender
Tender ID: 558537
Tender Details
Tender Description
This Request for Tender seeks to appoint a suitably qualified audit firm to conduct the annual financial audit of the New South Wales Treasury Corporation Investment Management Funds on behalf of the Auditor-General for NSW (Auditor-General). The annual financial audit is a requirement under the Government Sector Audit Act 1983.
The successful audit firm will be appointed as an Audit Service Provider for a period of three years, starting with the annual audit for the year ending 30 June 2025 and concluding the year ending 30 June 2027. The arrangement will provide for an option to extend for the 30 June 2028 and 30 June 2029 financial years, subject to the Auditor-General's sole discretion.