EW PH3 - West Coast Road, Pangaru
Tender ID: 559193
Tender Details
Tender Description
This Contract is for the construction of an embankment with 3 rows of H5 treated timber piles 300mm diameter and 8m deep with column centers of 1.5m, installation of a new 600mm diameter flexible plastic drainpipe and reinstatement of the existing road.
The scope of the physical works comprises of:
• Traffic Management, with special emphasis that the Contractor shall ensure that access is to be maintained at all times along the West Coast Road while works are underway.
• Vegetation clearing. I am in the process of working with an Ecologist who will advise whether we need a consent and what the Contractor has to comply with apart from the E&S Control Plan
• Installation of 3 rows of 300mm Ø driven timber piles at 8.0m deep @ 1.5m c/c with MSE embankment above comprising of 3 layers of 6.0m long TENSAR RE520 geogrid
• Pavement reinstatement (with stabilised basecourse)
Far North District Council (The Principal) is seeking contractors who will:
• Complete the works on or before the Due Date for Completion
• Assist in providing a safe and more efficient network, minimising costs and increasing user satisfaction with the network
• Implement and maintain high standards of health & safety and environmental practices and procedures
• Undertake all practical measures to mitigate the social and environmental impacts of their activities
• Provide value for money and increased price certainty in the procurement and construction of the Contract Works
• Implement proactive strategies to enable the timely completion of the Contract Works
• Develop and implement innovative work methods and/or Materials that result in enhanced performance and a cost-effective design
• Commit to a co-operative approach to the Contract through a partnering process.
Building & Facility Construction & Maintenance Services : Concreting
Civil Construction Services : Civil & Earthworks (General) : Road & Streetscape Construction & Maintenance
Horticulture & Arboriculture : Vegetation Control & Management
Water & Sewage : Pipeline Construction