
Request for Expressions of Interest – Purchase and Devlopment of the current Orange Regional Conservatorium building at 73a Hill Street, Orange

Tender ID: 559654

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
18 June 2024
Closing Date:
23 July 2024

Tender Description

Orange City Council is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the purchase and development of the current Orange Regional Conservatorium building at 73a Hill Street.

Orange City Council owns the site and the proceeds of the sale will contribute towards the cost of the new Conservatorium.

Council decided at its 5 September 2023 meeting to sell the site with the demolition DA already approved.

The building will not be demolished until after the new Conservatorium is complete.

EOIs must outline the mix of housing proposed. Council is seeking feasible, carefully considered proposals that consider the context of the surrounding area.

For example, the EOI must provide a detailed description of the development proposal (residential), including the number of apartments and/or townhouses, car park access, types of materials used, and how the proposed development will complement the existing built environment in the Orange CBD.

To register your interest and for more information about the opportunity, including an Information Memorandum and EOI requirements please contact JPAbusiness’ Managing Director James Price on +61 (0) 439 601 207, or alternatively, you can send an inquiry email to


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