Managed service Agreement
Tender ID: 560225
Tender Details
Tender Description
This Tender is invited by the Issuer.
The Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), which is responsible for managing one of Australia's largest river systems, is currently in need of managed network services to augment its existing ICT services. The MDBA recognises the importance of reliable and efficient network services in enabling it to fulfill its mandate of preserving the ecological health of the basin while ensuring the sustainable use of its resources. As such, it is seeking to partner with a provider that can deliver network services that can support its operations, enhance its connectivity, and improve its overall ICT capabilities.
The Managed Network Service Provider (MNSP) will manage MDBAs network delivering managed networking solutions and ICT services to improve MDBAs network infrastructure’s performance, security, and interconnectivity. The MDBA will select a Seller based on:
Please see the requirement document for more details.