Mechanical Services - Fire Appliances
Tender ID: 560289
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Shire of Augusta Margaret River are seeking Tenders from suitably qualified and experienced contractors for the provision of a range of mechanical services in relation to the maintenance and servicing of its bush fire brigade and associated equipment.
The Contractor will be required to undertake a range of mechanical services required to maintain and service the Principal's various bush fire brigade vehicles and associated equipment. These services include, but are not limited to:
- Diesel services (all works associated with maintenance and repair of fire vehicles);
- General servicing (annual, post fire response, or upon request by the Principal);
- Comprehensive Crew Protection System checks (compliance, condition reports, servicing and maintenance);
- Air conditioning maintenance / repairs / re-gas etc.;
- Hydraulic works;
- Radio and communication equipment repairs;
- Auto-electrical repairs, maintenance and replacements as required;
- Pump repair, diagnostics, maintenance and servicing;
- Hose reel maintenance and repairs; and
- Completion of servicing, maintenance and vehicle fault reporting (required for Principal and DFES records).
The Contractor will be required to provide the Principal with a service schedule for the vehicles and categories of service types to be supplied, i.e. Category A, B or C servicing, as per DFES service sheets and expectations).
Respondents will receive a Successful Submission Receipt timed and dated upon completion. Should assistance be required please use the online manual on the portal under Support/Online Manuals/Making a Submission or contact Customer Support on 1800-233-533.