Gravity Sewer Relining & CCTV Works Panel Contract
Tender ID: 560414
Tender Details
Tender Description
EGW will be forming a Panel of Contractors to undertake Gravity Sewer Relining and CCTV works over the next 5 years (2024-2029)
The works include Gravity sewer relining (DN 150 to DN 375) and Jetting, cleaning CCTV, condition assessment of sewers and maintenance structures for a 5-year period (2024-2029).
The program for Year 1 includes 3.9km of gravity sewer relining for sewer DN 150 to DN 375, jetting, cleaning, CCTV, conditions assessment of sewers (7.9km) and maintenance structures (231 No).
This provides an indicative assessment of the program for Years 2 to 5 which will be expected to be undertaken by the panel
A Panel (1 or more) of Contractors will be formed to deliver the works programs over the 5-year period.
It is a Separable Portions tender providing the opportunity for Tenderers to price either Gravity Sewer Relining works and CCTV or both together.