
Technical Data Pipeline Review

Tender ID: 560423

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
27 June 2024
Closing Date:
14 July 2024

Tender Description

This Tender is invited by the Issuer.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) is seeking to engage a service provider to help develop a practical ICT transformation plan for the technical architecture that supports the AIHW data pipeline and sets a foundation to sustain an Enterprise Data and Analytics Platform.

The AIHW data pipeline is the underlying infrastructure that supports the AIHW’s work with data, including the validation and ingress of large data holdings, the AIHW Linkage system and Future Analytics Model (with some Minimum Viable components) and is envisaged to be used by existing and emerging data products to address business needs. The ICT transformation plan will include, but is not limited to, improvements to our technical network and the ingress and egress mechanisms with our external partners.

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