Port of Newcastle West Basin 3 & 4 Anode Installation
Tender ID: 560545
Tender Details
Tender Description
About the tender: Tenders are invited from organisations capable of meeting Port of Newcastle's West Basin 3 & 4 Anode Installation project.
Enquiries: Tender enquiries should be directed to Grant Hackworthy via the online Forum .
Site inspection: A Mandatory tender site inspection shall be held on site at Port of Newcastle's West Basin 3 & 4 at 1:30 PM Tuesday on 9/07/2024.
All tenderers shall confirm their attendances via the online Forum no later than COB Friday 5/07/24.
Tenderers shall provide the following information prior to the site inspection:
Name of the company.
Name of each attendee and contact details.
If your company will be the primary bidder or a sub-contractor.
Please ensure that appropriate PPE is worn to the tender site inspection including:
- Hi-Vis Shirt
- Long Pants
- Steel Cap Boots
- Hard Hat
- Life Jacket (refer to note below)
Note: Site inspection attendees shall be required to access a boat throughout the inspection, and hence a life jacket will be required. Attendees are advised to bring their own life jackets for the inspection (as PON only have a limited number of spare life jackets available).
Submissions: Completed responses should be compiled as one complete PDF document and submitted via the Electronic Tender Box using the attached Word version of the Returnable Schedules. Respondents will receive a Successful Submission Receipt timed and dated upon completion.
All enquiries in relation to the proposal must be via the online Forum.