
Energy Queensland Forward Procurement Schedule - Overhead & Underground Control Cables

Tender ID: 560765

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
2 July 2024
Closing Date:
13 November 2024

Tender Description


Energy Queensland Limited (Energy Queensland) intend to release a Tender in early September for cables and conductors designed for overhead and underground transmission and distribution, streetlighting, substation power and control, capable of carrying voltages from 32 – 125V DC, and 230V to 132kV AC, and stay-wire and tie-wire used in network construction of the Energy Queensland networks.

All materials offered by Tenderers shall be in accordance with Technical Specifications and relevant Standards mentioned within, except where it is specified that Energy Queensland is seeking alternate solutions.

Energy Queensland will also use this Tender process to update the approved products/manufacturers list for cables (LV to 33kV) used by contractors delivering network construction that will be connected to the Ergon Energy or Energex networks.

Scope of Work

Please refer to the document “Supply of Cables Scope.pdf” which includes a summary of the scope and required items from the Technical Specifications for Supply and Delivery of Overhead, Underground, and Power and Control Cables. Complete copies of the Technical Specifications will be available in the Tender and may be uploaded to the QTenders website prior to the tender release.

Key Aspects

Supply chain security and reliability is of critical importance, and Energy Queensland will look to contract with Tenderers that demonstrate capacity and capability to meet supply needs on an ongoing basis, with resilient supply chains.

Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions reporting will also be introduced as a contract requirement for the successful Tenderers. Energy Queensland is looking to partner with companies that can comply with the requirements of this reporting and demonstrate a focus on environmental responsibility and contributing to Net Zero initiatives.

Tender Briefing Session

A Tender briefing session will take place approximately two weeks after tender opening. The session will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams and will be open to registered participants only.

Product Samples

Representative samples will be required as part of tender submissions for the purpose of technical evaluation. It is expected that samples shall be delivered to Energy Queensland no later than 12 weeks from the close of tender. Specifics for the delivery of samples, due date, and items required, will be available in the full Technical Specifications, once these are completed and made available.

Register to Participate in Tender

Interested suppliers (Tenderers) are invited to register for the Doc #60840038 tender. The actual tender will be released via SAP Ariba in early September.

How to Respond

1. Suppliers who wish to submit a response should follow the below instructions:

Register for the tender by sending an email to the nominated Sourcing Specialist/Contact Officer, Dave Ellem (, or the Alternate Contact Officer, James Goldsmith ( The email subject should contain the tender title including the request number “Doc #60840038 – Supply and Delivery of Overhead, Underground, and Power and Control Cables” and the email should contain the following:

   • Business entity name,

   • Business email address,

   • ABN,

   • Contact name,

   • Phone number.

2. When registration is complete Suppliers will be invited to respond and will be able to access the Energy Queensland SAP Ariba realm via a link contained in the email notification. Please note this link will expire within 24 hours.

3. Suppliers must accept the prerequisite Bidder Agreement under the ‘Review and Accept Prerequisites’ tab to ensure all system generated notifications are received. This includes, but is not limited to, Content updates and changes to Event Timing.

4. If the Supplier elects to submit a response, they must do so using Energy Queensland’s online tendering tool (SAP Ariba).

5. Suppliers are encouraged to read all relevant documentation located at

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