Supply, Installation, Construction, Testing & Commissioning of Barooga WTP Sludge Lagoons
Tender ID: 561490
Tender Details
Tender Description
Berrigan Shire Council (BSC) is the supplier of water and wastewater services for the Barooga region. BSC owns and operates the Barooga WTP, which provides potable water to the townships of Barooga.
BSC is currently upgrading Barooga WTP by constructing a new 1 ML/d dissolved air flotation filtration (DAFF) treatment train and associated upgrades.
BSC has been directed by DPE to develop an alternate long-term solution for the management of WTP sludge that does not include sludge discharge to the sewerage system.
Due to limited space available at existing WTP site, BSC has purchase land adjacent to the existing site to construct two new sludge lagoons to treat the WTP wastewater.