Falls Prevention (Stepping On) Expression of Interest
Tender ID: 561657
Tender Details
Tender Description
'Stepping On' is a community based falls prevention program. It incorporates a group setting plus individualised follow-up. It covers a range of issues, including falls risks, strength and balance exercises, home fall hazards, safe footwear, vision and medication management.
The program uses adult learning principles over a seven-week period with a 3 month booster session. It is about building self-confidence, making decisions and behavioural change. It addresses the multifactorial nature of falls and draws on social cognitive theory to enable people to follow through with safety strategies. The program increases the older person's awareness of their own fall risk and subsequent behaviour change.
South Western Sydney Primary Health Network (SWSPHN) seeking an Expression of Interest for the commissioning of an eligible organisation to deliver the Stepping On Falls Prevention Program.
Intended Outcomes:
- Increased knowledge and awareness for preventing falls including environmental hazards
- Enhanced self-confidence in identifying personal falls risk in various home and community settings
- Improved strength, balance and coordination
- Improved health literacy and navigation of support services for older adults
- Reduction of falls
- Reduced fall related use of ambulance services and hospitalisations
Stepping On Program Principles:
- The use of adult education principles to develop knowledge and skills for preventing falls, recognising that older adults have the capacity for learning and change.
- The use of a variety of learning strategies, including storytelling, prompts and cues.
- Utilise decision-making framework to prompt reflection and action
- Self-directed goal oriented appraisal and self-efficacy as a tool for change.
- Peer engagement in solution generation, support and feedback