Cleaning Public Amenities - Balranald
Tender ID: 562372
Tender Details
Tender Description
Balranald Shire Council are seeking EOI for the cleaning of Public amenities and office building etc located in Balranald Township NSW 2733.
The total hour are from 110 to 130hrs per fortnight.
Several different locations within township.
BSC will supply all chemicals and sundries required for the roll, toilet paper, hand towel, hand wash etc.
Any damage to facilities to be reported to works coordinator.
BSC is seeking the hourly rate of interested parties. BSC will pay the flat rate quoted (No Penalties) per hour.
All insurances to be added to quote minimum $20000000 public liability insurance.
Work cover insurance to be added.
BSC will decide on winning tenderer not necessarily by the dearest or cheapest quote.
The winning tenderer will be offered a 3 year contract once a probationary period of 3mths is performed acceptably.
The 3 year contract will have the option to resign for another 2 years if performance is satisfactory.