For Sale & Removal Quantity of Timber Suitable for Firewood
Tender ID: 562902
Tender Details
Tender Description
Northern Grampians Shire Council has a quantity of timber suitable for firewood for sale, to be sold as one lot. The wood is currently stored at the Council Depot, Haughton Street, Stawell.
Late, faxed or emailed tenders will not be accepted.
Tenders are to be in writing and placed in a plain sealed envelope and addressed as:
“Q24-004 - Purchase of Timber Suitable for Firewood”
‘Tender Box’, Northern Grampians Shire Council, PO Box 580, STAWELL VIC 3380
Tenders are to be lodged in the Tender Box at Customer Service at the Northern Grampians Shire Council, Town Hall, Main Street, Stawell, or be posted to and received at the address above prior to the closing time and date.
Tenders received after the closing time and date stated above, shall not be considered. The highest or any tenders will not necessarily be accepted.