
Recruitment Labour Hire Services

Tender ID: 562908

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
30 July 2024
Closing Date:
03 September 2024

Tender Description

The Rural City of Wangaratta wishes to engage a panel of recruitment agencies for the provision of recruitment and labour hire services for permanent, temporary and casual staff for indoor and outdoor work to supplement Council’s existing workforce.

Rural city of Wangaratta will give equal opportunity to all companies, however, there is no guarantee of work as the labour hire engaged will be decided on the following factors – timeliness of applicants supplied, suitability of applicants including qualifications/licences, skills, experience and location, and agency margin.

Tenders will include the following:

  • Completion of Response Schedule as supplied on eProcure (completion is mandatory).
  • Construction Methodology to be submitted as part of assessment.
  • Works programme/timeline showing key dates and milestones.
  • Evidence of experience in successfully delivering similar types of projects.
  • Completion of the Schedule of Rates spreadsheet (information to be submitted in the provided template).

Tenderers should make their own assessment of the Services to be provided, and base their tenders accordingly.


Victoria   :   Hume  

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