Horizons Regional Council Website Replacement
Tender ID: 562922
Tender Details
Tender Description
HRC is seeking information from providers who can deliver a solution that will enable us to rebuild and manage our web presence. We are looking to partner with an experienced vendor who understands the purpose of Regional Councils, how they work and who can work with us on the implementation and support of an online solution.
We are working hard to ensure that our systems and processes are fit for future - one priority area that has been identified is our websites, their capability and their management. There is the expectation that we can provide information to the public in a timely manner, support our staff in performing their roles as effectively and robustly as possible, alongside demonstrating adherence to legislative obligations under New Zealand law.
Our websites include providing information relating to public transport timetable management and updates; publicly notified consents management; and meeting calendars.
These points are aimed at addressing both operational efficiencies and improving the user experience across our digital platforms.