Rock Crushing & Screening Tender
Tender ID: 563123
Tender Details
Tender Description
Rolleston Coal Holdings Pty Limited (the Principal) invites the Tenderer to participate in the Rock Crushing & Screening tender via the online forum Portal.
Rock Crushing Activities is defined as including, but not limited to, the following:
(i) the supply, operation, supervision, relocation and maintenance of any Equipment required to complete the Work;
(ii) the production of stemming material for blast hole stemming at 18mm to 27mm (must be a crushed product);
(iii) the production of crushed gravel similar to road base material referred to in the Transport and Main Roads specification MRTS05 Unbound Pavements Specification; and
(iv) the removal of crushed product from the immediate vicinity of the crushing plant and stockpiling within the designated stockpile area.