
Common Use Arrangement (CUA) for Temporary Personnel Services

Tender ID: 563246

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
02 August 2024
Closing Date:
05 September 2024

Tender Description

The Department of Finance (Finance) issues this Request to establish a new Common Use Arrangement (CUA) for the provision of Temporary Personnel Services (CUATPS2024). CUATPS2024 will replace the current CUA for Temporary Personnel Services (CUATPS2019). 

The new arrangement seeks the provision of the following four categories of services:

Category A - Clerical and Adminstrative Services

Category B - Technical and Trades Services

Category C - Professional Services

Category D - Information and Communication Technology Services


A briefing session will be held at Online only at 9 Aug, 2024 1:30 PM.

The Respondent is requested to confirm its attendance no later than 1PM AWST Thursday 8 August 2024 by contacting Lydia Owen (

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