Regional Sports Infrastructure Program – Armstrong Creek Sports Centre - Main Works Contractor
Tender ID: 563256
Tender Details
Tender Description
Development Victoria is seeking responses to this Request for Expression of Interest for the Head Contractor for the Geelong Sports Package (GSP) – Armstrong Creek Sports Centre.
The scope of work will include:
- A high-ball stadium featuring four courts and associated amenities, approximate building size 5,500m2;
- A 3000m2 landscaped plaza area;
- Associated carpark;
- New roads to enter site; and
- External service connections.
The contractor will be selected via a two-phase procurement process with an open EoI followed by a detailed Request for Tender process for invited shortlisted bidders.
This procurement will be subject to Ministerial Directions for Public Construction in Victoria, the Local Jobs First policy as a Strategic project, the Social Procurement Framework, Fair Jobs Code and the Building Equality Policy.
The successful respondent will be engaged under a Victorian Public Construction Contract, approved for use by Development Victoria.