AgriFutures Export Fodder Program 2024-2025 Open Call
Tender ID: 563387
Tender Details
Tender Description
AgriFutures Australia welcomes Preliminary Research Proposals, that address one or more of the objectives within the Export Fodder RD&E Plan 2021-2026.
The Strategic Plan is structured around 4 key objective areas:
- Production of high-quality export-grade fodder: This priority focuses on the production aspect, ensuring that the fodder satisfies export quality supply demand and allows Australian export fodder growers to achieve sustainable financial returns.
- Continued access to export markets: This priority aims to maintain and grow the market access for Australian fodder, ensuring that the industry can continue to thrive in the international market.
- Supporting innovation across the supply chain: This priority encourages the investigation and implementation of new technologies and strategies to improve productivity and profitability across the supply chain.
- Increased adoption of R&D outputs by industry: This priority emphasises the importance of the industry adopting the outputs of research and development to drive financial sustainability and continuous improvement within the industry supply chain.
These priorities are designed to improve the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of the Australian export fodder industry.
The Program supports and encourages proposals that address the following key areas:
Priority 4
1. Export Fodder Industry Engagement and Extension project
- Develop, design and deliver an annual calendar
- Develop, design and deliver an annual Export Fodder Field Day for ALL stakeholders, including providing a link between industry and researchers.
- Deliver a series of Export Fodder relevant industry podcasts, including Grower stories, research outcome highlights and best practice updates
- Develop and deliver seasonal best practice updates for growers
-Direct and via exporters (levy payers)
-Deliver Quarterly updates to key levy payers in conjunction with the program manager.
2. Design, develop and deliver a digital platform to update and renew the Producing Quality Oat Hay Guide and a best practice resource for growers – Including the development of YouTube videos
Priority 2
3. Conduct a desktop review and analysis of Oaten Hay uses in Export Markets
- What are the key drivers of decisions?
- Why choose Oaten Hay
- Economic and nutritional value
- Demonstrated linkages with US
4. Investigation on stem characteristics of oats to understand if there is potential to improve nutrient value of oaten hay.
Priority 3:
5. Moisture measurement innovation of high-density bales and roadmap of moisture loss in bales.
Priority 1:
6. Management practices to maximise gross margin for export hay growers
Proposals must address strategies, consider the justification, be linked to an indicative activity, and deliver on a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) listed within each Priority of the RD&E Strategic Plan.