
Auburn North Public School - School Canteen Licence

Tender ID: 564076

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
13 August 2024
Closing Date:
23 August 2024

Tender Description

Tenders are called for the licence of the school canteen for the school year commencing on 29 October 2024 for a term of 3 years. Annual school enrolments will be approx 641.

General enquiries and requests for a Tender Information Package should be referred to: Mr Mark Harris - Principal Ph: 9748 1036

Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked "Commercial in Confidence-School Canteen Tender" and delivered between 9am to 3pm to:

The Principal - Auburn North Public School 100 Adderley Street, Auburn 2144

Mandatory Criteria: All employees must hold a current working with children check.


New South Wales   :   Sydney  

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