
Enterprise Reporting and Analytics System for Venues NSW

Tender ID: 564754

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
20 August 2024
Closing Date:
17 September 2024

Tender Description

Venues NSW is seeking to implement an enterprise reporting and analytics systems with the aim of providing a comprehensive platform for data storage, integration, analysis and reporting.

ManagedVenues NSW
Primary contact:David Gregson, Principal ICT Project Manager and Chris Baun, Procurement and Contracts Manager, VNSW
TypeEOI (Open)
Category(s):Information and technology - Data and analytics
Opportunity ID:VNSW2024-4357-EOI
Locations:Sydney metro
Covered procurement:No
Multi agency use:No
Related opportunities:None

Project goals

Venues NSW is seeking to implement an Enterprise Reporting and Analytics System (the Solution) with the aim of providing a comprehensive platform for data storage, integration, analysis and reporting. The Solution will need to have the capability to leverage scalable data storage and incorporate AI capabilities to derive insights from diverse data sources. Additionally, it will support mobile capabilities for on-the-go access to data and insights.

The objective of the Solution includes:

  • Integrate data from multiple internal and external sources.
  • Provide a centralised data repository.
  • Enable advanced analytics and AI-driven insights.
  • Facilitate real-time and batch data processing.
  • Offer user-friendly reporting and visualisation tools.
  • Ensure mobile access to reports and dashboards.
  • Include the capability for the creation of custom forms to capture and store ad-hoc data.


Tenderers are to refer to Part B - Scope of Services

Related files

Venues NSW Brochure.pdf (3496 KB)

Additional details/instructions

Tenderers are to refer to the EOI Request Documentation being:

Part A - Overview and Conditions of Tendering; Part B - Scope of Services; and Part C - EOI Tender Response


Mandatory requirements

A) Scheme membership (SCM0020) *


Information and technology - Data and analytics

This procurement category has a mandated scheme.

This category has a mandated scheme, to be awarded this contract you may need to be a member of the ICT Services Scheme SCM0020.

Are you a member of SCM0020?

Response type

Radio button (Yes/No)

Opportunity requirements

1. Part C - EOI Tender Response

Part C - EOI Tender Response which needs to be completed and returned to Venues NSW.

Response type

File upload (Multiple)

Response templates

Part C - EOI Tender Response.docx (129 KB)

Related documents

Part B - Scope of Services.pdf (220 KB)



The evaluation weighting is an estimate and is subject to change.

Price: 15%

Non price: 85%

Terms and conditions

Global terms and conditions

buy NSW Tenders Terms and Conditions (210 KB)

Opportunity specific terms and conditions

Part A - Overview and Conditions of Tendering.pdf (283 KB)


No notices have been posted for this opportunity.


No amendments have been made to this opportunity

For general enquiries and help


New South Wales   :   Sydney  

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