ASA Space Capabilities and Services Panel
Tender ID: 564887
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Panel will provide support to the Australian Space Agency for the following identified activities;
Engineering, financial, security and or environmental analysis support for the assessment of Australian space and high power rocket applications.
Support staff functions for Launch Safety Officer and Investigator roles.
Safety, security and environmental analysis and advice for ongoing oversight of Australian space and high power rocket activities including activities those authorised under the Space (Launches and Returns ) Act 2018 or of other space or high power rocket activities impacting Australian national interests.
Support for Space Situational Awareness, Space Domain Awareness and Space Traffic Management and space debris mitigation and remediation.
Space related technical studies and or support, space consultation and or research services including space sector, policy, market and industry analysis.
Space based data and research including capabilities to support these activities and;
Space and satellite ground systems services.
Other Instructions:
Conditions for Participation:
1. The Tenderer and any subcontractor porposed in its tender must not be insolvent, bankrupt, in liquidation, or under administration or receivership as at the Closing Time.
2, The tenderer must either;
a) hold a Valid and Satisfactory Statement of Tax Record by the Closing Time; or
b) have a receipt demonstrating that a Statement of Tax Recor has been requested from the Australian Taxation Office by the Closing Time, and hold a Valid and Satisfactory Statement of Tax Record no later than four Business Days following the Closing Time ; and
The Tenderer must hold a Valid and Satisfactory Statement of Tax Record for the entry type of any first tier subcontractor that it proposes, as part of its response, to engage to deliver goods or services with an estimated value of over $4 million (GST inclusive).
3. The Tenderer and any subcontractors proposed in the tender must not be named as non-compliant with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth) by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency as at the Closing Time.
4. The Tenderer agrees that a tender response will remain valid and open for acceptance by the Department for a period of up to 6 months from the Closing Time (and any extended Tender Validity Period if the Tender Validity Period is extended in accordance with the RFT). All correspondence between the tenderer and the Department must be re3cieved in writing.
5. Completion of a Department issued Deed of Confidentiality and a Conflict of Interest form by tenderers and subcontractors will be required as part of the Panel arrangement's Deed of Standing Offer. Additional requirements for confidentiality may be required by both tenderers and subcontractors prior to receiving a Request for Quote or Order from time to time. Contractors and subcontractors may also be required to sign a third party Non-Disclosure Agreement from time to time (NDA).
Timeframe for Delivery:
The Panel will run for an initial period of 5 years with the possibility of further extension periods of up to a further 5 years.
Address for Lodgement: