Evaluation of Pharmacy Screening Program RFP
Tender ID: 565060
Tender Details
Tender Description
Firsthealth is federally funded to deliver the Primary Heath Network program across the Murrumbidgee region. Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) is one of 31 local and independent PHNs established nationally to support the primary healthcare sector and improve health outcomes, particularly for people at risk of poorer health outcomes. We deliver the PHN program across approximately 126,000 square kilometres to more than 250,000 people living in our 508 communities.
With the person at the centre of care, we plan and deliver programs to ensure the needs of our individual local communities inform our approaches. We achieve this by working with our community and partners to:
- Coordinate local services and systems to improve coordination of care.
- Commission primary health services to meet population health needs with a focus on access and equity.
- Support capacity-building to ensure sustainable healthcare workforce through quality improvement, professional development and other innovative measures.
For more information regarding Primary Health Networks, visit the Department of Health and Aged Care website.
In 2023, Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) and Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) began implementation of the Living Well, Your Way (LWYW) Initiative for people with chronic disease.
As part of the initiative, a pharmacy screening program was co-designed by local pharmacists and general practitioners. The pharmacy screening program aims to identify patients at risk of chronic disease and link them with their general practitioner (GP) for assessment and diagnosis. The overall aim is to improve patient health outcomes and reduce the rate of hospitalisations.
MPHN in conjunction with the LWYW Initiative are seeking proposals from suitably experienced providers to undertake a formal evaluation of the Program using research methods to determine the impact on the patient, pharmacy service, general practice and broader health system.
This is an open and competitive RFP process