
Residential pre-booked bulk waste collection - booking and collection for Verge Valet

Tender ID: 565112

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
23 August 2024
Closing Date:
29 October 2024

Tender Description

To provide a pre-booked, uncontainerised, bulk waste collection service known as Verge Valet for residences across several Local Governments.

The service is to include:

- A secure online booking system which interfaces with the existing Verge Valet website and includes administration access for the Principal and Hosts' staff.

- Collection of Bulk Greenwaste and Bulk Household General Waste (the Materials) from residential verges and other specified locations as arranged for Multi Unit Dwellings throughout the Hosts' districts, as booked.

- Local Government Service - collection of booked illegally dumped materials in the Hosts' districts.

- Delivery of the Materials to the designated facilities

**You will need to register for a free adcentre account in order to download the documents.**

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