Pavement Rehabilitation – West Bank Road North and West Bank Road South
Tender ID: 565286
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are invited from suitably qualified contractors for the pavement rehabilitation works associated with two (2) sites on West Bank Road in Whakatane.
The works are outlined on the drawings appended to the contract documents and generally comprise of the following activities:
Confirming the final design levels – final design co-ordinates and survey data will be supplied to the winning tenderer upon award of the Contract.
Earthworks, including cut and undercut to waste.
Surface water channels and associated drainage works.
Granular pavement construction.
First coat sealing (two coat chip seal).
Reinstating traffic services and rehabilitating disturbed areas.
In addition to the above, the Contract Works include:
Preparing, implementing and managing the Contract Quality Plan according to the Project Specification.
General requirements, programming and reporting according to Project Specification.
Site safety, traffic management and environmental compliance activities according to Project Specification.
Security & Parking & Traffic Services & Equipment : Traffic Management & Control Services
Civil Construction Services : Civil & Earthworks (General) : Road & Streetscape Construction & Maintenance : Stormwater Harvesting & Drainage Construction